Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I remember several years ago when someone I knew was selling a house. Or, at least, they were trying to sell it. But they couldn't get any buyers. Now, if there is one thing that everyone eventually learns about real estate, it is that a house is only worth what someone else will pay for it. These people I knew were refusing to bring their asking price down any lower, insisting that, "our house is worth more than you are saying we need to ask." But, of course, when you are trying to sell someone else something, that just isn't true. Something is only worth what someone else will pay for it! So what are you worth? Well, I actually know the answer to that one. Because someone has already paid the price for your life. It was God and He paid the price of His own Son. Jesus Christ was God in the flesh, and he paid for you with His own life. You are worth the life of Jesus Christ, God the Son. And so is that person you are currently mad at. Just a thought.

Pastor Ken

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