Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Apocalypse

So yesterday afternoon I took a couple of the guys from our youth group to see "2012." The idea was to view the movie, and then to discuss not only their view of prophecy, but even more importantly, to talk about the kid of worldview inherent in the movie. One of the more obvious things was that every religion was afforded an equal value. Those of you who have read this blog before know that I find that inherently dishonest and something that can only be said by someone who has not studied the various religions in the world. In the movie, it was as though Christianity was the "junior" religion, the one with the most mistakes. At one point, when discussing the various religions that had predicted the end of the world, the comment was made that, while others had gotten it substantially right, the Bible was mostly wrong, but still contained the idea of an apocalypse. The thing is, I do not think that this constant portrayal by Hollywood of Christianity as substantially wrong and dangerous and Christians as rubes and fools is intentional - I think it represents what many in Hollywood think is the accepted wisdom of our culture. As we talked about that at dinner afterwards, I loved the conclusion that one of our high schoolers came to. He said that the only real answer is to live our Christian lives as well as possible and let our lives prove how wrong those ideas are. A great bit of wisdom! All of the public complaining only serves to reinforce the ideas so prevalent in the media. But if we will quietly love God and serve our fellow man, it will be obvious just how wrong those portrayals are. So here's to living the Spirit-filled, Spirit-led life! We were never going to be successful for God without His help anyway!

Pastor Ken

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