Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Friends

We all know that in the church of Jesus Christ, all members are brothers and sisters with each other. That is why so many groups over the centuries have referred to each other as "brother so-and-so" or "sister so-and-so." But that doesn't mean that we are friends - that takes a personal relationship. Well, for the past month WVCC has been the site of some new friend making. A group of future church planters from Glendale has joined the "regulars" to make a new congregation. Now, that new group is hosting a "potluck" for the entire church tomorrow. Today we are going to set up for it. It really is exciting to watch as friendships are beginning to form between people who previously did not know each other. If there are some brothers and sisters in your church that you are not yet friends with - why not go out of your way and get to know them. You might just find that you have a new friend!

Pastor Ken

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