Sunday, November 8, 2009

Uniting together

Sunday we had our first potluck social since the Glendale outreach joined our congregation at WVCC. The Glendale outreach represents six or seven nationalities, while WVCC represents a few more. So, with only about 65 people, we have almost ten different nationalities represented. Or do we? Because really, even though we may represent that many countries of birth, we really only represent one nationality - God's kingdom. And that is exactly what we saw Sunday. Different people of different ethnicities and different backgrounds all sharing a meal and Christian fellowship. It may have been a small thing, but it represents a really big thing. For you see, someday we will all of us sit down at table together, from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, with our Head at the head of the table. And then we will have real fellowship and real unity. Until them small times will have to suffice. Now is OK. Then will be glorious!

Pastor Ken

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