Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pretend vs. Real

Yesterday morning my wife prevailed upon me to take her to see the new Twilight sequel, New Moon. Now, the fact that not one, but two ordained Assemblies of God ministers were willing to see a movie about vampires and werewolves is going to cause some to go into apoplectic shock, I know. So let me just make each of you that much more angry: I have also enjoyed The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and many other "supernatural" thrillers. How could I do that? I have enjoyed each of these, as have my children, because we understand the difference between pretend and real. I honestly don't know why some people think that to have an imagination is to teach our children in the reality of witches and vampires and elves. From the earliest age my children have understood the difference. We never told them that Santa was real, and we always told them that God was. Because we were honest, and because we celebrated imagination, they have grown up healthy, and not one of them has ever believed in witchcraft or other such imaginary things. Sometimes I just wish that well-meaning Christians would just leave all this stuff alone. But I expect that we will continue to read of book burnings and condemnations. Oh, well. I guess I'll go back to waiting for the next Twilight sequel.

Pastor Ken

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