Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Feeding the Hungry

One of the ministries we have here at WVCC is a hot meal for the homeless every Saturday afternoon. We have partnered with the Worldwide Church of God that uses our facilities on Saturday mornings, and they provide each person who comes with a bag of food for the week. Well, word has gotten out, and the local post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars is going to be providing the hot meal along with clothing, shoes and blankets on October 24. We are excited to be partnering with the VFW on that day. One thing we have learned here at WVCC is that cooperating with each other not only lightens the load, but allows a lot more to get done. As for why we do it - well it was Jesus himself that said when we do it to the least of our brothers and sisters, we do it for him. What could be better?

Pastor Ken

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