Friday, September 4, 2009


Quite often I will be asked what we believe. There are a lot of different ways to say it. We have a statement of faith on the back of our bulletin that summarizes our beliefs. The Assemblies of God has an extended and detailed statement called "The 16 fundamental truths." But why is this even important? I mean, "can't we all just get along?" That concept is one with a long history and a great attraction. There are so many things that divide us. Why can't we all just get along? And certainly there are places where this is a valid question. It implies that we can all just "agree to disagree." And that works fine in areas of taste, like food, movies, books, etc. But it can't work in areas of truth. If you want to believe that you can fly, should I let you believe that? I remember when my youngest asked her mommy, "Mommy, when are you going to let me fly off of the balcony?" as if all that was preventing her was getting our permission! If flying were a matter of taste, then we could have said something like, "Dear, when you are ready to fly, you just go ahead and go." But she couldn't fly and never will be able to! So real love demanded that we explain to her why she couldn't fly, and then keep on eye on her until we knew she understood! If there is a God, and if He has chosen to communicate with us, and if the content of that communication determines not only our quality of life now, but its quality and duration forever, then we must know what is true! So what do we believe? Well, a good start is here: Check it out, and let me know what you think.

Pastor Ken

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I'm enjoying these Ken... :)