Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We all need help sometimes!

This morning when I got into the office, there was a package from AT&T waiting for me. It was time to install the new modem and set up the office wireless network. AT&T had offered to provide us with broadband wireless for about $10 less per month than our old provider, and I have never been one to turn down a savings for substantially the same thing. But, of course, that meant setting up the entire network. Well, you can guess what happened - I ended up on the phone with the service tech. It took us about 20 minutes, but, as this post proves, we got the job done. But it also illustrates another thing - we all need help sometimes. No matter how hard we try, we are going to run into things we don't know how to do or can't do for some reason. So many of us don't like to ask for help - we want to do it ourselves. We all know that this is a bad strategy in our spiritual lives - we have to rely on the Holy Spirit for power to live daily for the Lord. But it is also a bad strategy for everyday life. I do not grow my own food. I do not generate my own electricity. And, obviously, I do not connect my internet on my own either. The thing is, as frustrating as it is to admit that I cannot do everything on my own, the truth is that I rob someone else of a blessing (and sometimes of a job!) if I won't let others help me. Of course, there are other issues, like waiting a long time for help or what seems to be deliberately obtuse instructions. Nothing is ever simple. But we need to be careful not to take it out on the one who is helping us. Instead, let's ask for help, and then appreciate the one who gives it. Anyway, that is my thought. Have a great day!

Pastor Ken

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