Monday, October 5, 2009

An Invitation to Dialogue

Well, doing this six days a week is proving to be difficult - time seems to get away pretty quickly some days. But I will try to do this everyday I can. This past Saturday Cheri and I went to see the new movie, "Lord, Save us from your followers." In general, it was excellent. But it got me thinking and I would like to hear from you about your thoughts. The thesis of the movie is that Christians have become too shrill and condemnatory in the "culture wars," and have compromised their primary mission to tell everyone the good news about God's love in Jesus Christ. Now, in general, I certainly agree. But one of the questions I have is where our responsibility to faithfully proclaim those aspects of the Bible that tell us how we are to live. I firmly believe that these descriptions of the godly life represent not God's attempt to prevent us from having fun or living fulfilled lives, but rather describe the best kind of life possible. Sin is not just a violation of God's law, though it is that, but it is also a violation of the best life we can have according to the one who made us. But when we proclaim that God tells us that certain things are harmful and as such constitute sin, we inevitably have people accuse us of being judgmental. So where is the balance? And what responsibility do we have to society to faithfully proclaim God's description of that good life and preserve a society that encourages people to live the way God has told us to live rather than encouraging lifestyles that lead to a less than optimal life in God? Let the conversation begin!

Pastor Ken

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