Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Least of These

Every Saturday we cooperate together with the Worldwide Church of God that rents from us to feed the homeless in our area a hot meal and give them a bag of food for the week. We have been cooperating together for about two years now, and it has become a part of the DNA of both churches to do this every weekend. I want to heartily recommend it to any and every one. The first and main reason is that no one should go hungry. The second reason is that this is how we show God's love to people we might not otherwise be able to show it to. The third reason is the joy that we receive from fulfilling God's will and helping others. I could go on. The simple fact is that it is not hard work, it only takes a few hours and it makes a difference in the lives of others. So, if you are not doing anything on Saturday afternoons - or even if you are and want to do something that might be more important that watching the game - come on out. We would love to have you!

Pastor Ken

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