Saturday, December 5, 2009

'Tis the Season

The Christmas season has arrived full force, and with it all the decorating and shopping. I do love it all, especially the great decorating my wife does around the house. It is so impressive that once someone who bought our house accused her of going overboard to sell it! But an even more important part will be the continuing ministry to the homeless this afternoon. When you look at the Bible, you find that the thing which is mentioned the most is our care for the poor. I know that many think that, in our country and time, most of the poor are that way because of bad decisions. And that may be. But I am not so sure that it hasn't always been that way. And, what that doesn't take into account is what brought them to that point. In the new movie, The Blind Side, there is a great scene where the "mom" meets Michael's real mom and gets just a little insight into what her life had been like. Bottom line - we are called to minister to the poor. There are no passes because we disagree with their life choices. And every once in a while we get to see some fruit, like the other night where one of our members who attends on Saturdays decided to check himself into Teen Challenge to get clean. In the meantime, "'tis the season!"

Pastor Ken

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