Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Long Time Coming

I never dreamed when I last posted that it would be a week before I got back to this. I am sure no one is terribly interested in the whys - we all get busy. But in the midst of this very busy time, I spent over a day at the bedside of a congregation member facing open heart surgery, and then with his wife while we waited for news on how the surgery went. First - it went well, and he is expected to make a full recovery. But it reminded all of us there again of the mortality we all share, and just how short our time on this earth is. How thankful I am for the assurance that my life - and yours too - is actually significant. This universe is not an accident or a random thing, but was created by a loving God who gives us all significance by taking seriously our decisions and offering us an eternal life of meaning. The last thing Adrian said to me as they were taking him out for final prep for his surgery was, "Either way, Pastor, I win. Praise the Lord!" Praise the Lord, indeed!

Pastor Ken

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