Monday, December 28, 2009

Three Quarters of a Century

Today is my mother-in-law's 75 birthday. In May my father turned 75 and earlier this month my mother did the same. Next month my father-in-law will also turn 75. Of course, being in my mid fifties, my perspective on reaching three quarters of a century has dramatically changed. I now realize how quickly it comes - something I never would have believed even 20 years ago. And it reminds me once again of how short and how long life is. Short - well, that is obvious. As we age we find ourselves saying the same thing everyone else did who was "old" when we were young - "It sure goes by quickly." And, as I have said before, if this is all there is to life, then it is not only short, it is also pointless. If there were no God, then length wouldn't matter, as there would be no purpose to life anyway. But, of course, there is a God - a God who sent His Son to show us the way to eternal life. And that means that the shortness of this life is but an illusion. It is an important illusion, because it is the decisions we make in this earthly portion of our existence that determines the locale of the rest of our lives. Since the trajectory of our lives does not change after a certain point, it is good that the time spent making the decisions that determine that trajectory is relatively short before we pass off of this scene and leave it to others who are still making that decision. But the truth is that life is not short - only this portion of it is. And I, for one, want to make sure that this short portion of my life eternal with my Father is one that not only makes sure that I will spend the rest with Him, but that I do all I can to help as many others as possible to do the same. That starts with my family and continues in ever widening circles to all that I come into contact with. And that, ultimately, is what gives my life meaning.

Pastor Ken

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