Monday, March 29, 2010

Head to heart

When I was a new Christian I remember people saying that the longest 12 inches in the world is the distance from the head to the heart. They meant that it is one thing to have an intellectual knowledge of God and another to have placed one's complete trust in Jesus Christ as one's savior and Lord. Now, that is clearly true, though I would dispute those who would claim that the former are not God's children - I think I will just leave in God's hands who has trusted and who hasn't. But recently I have been reflecting again on that saying and realizing that it is also true about one's experience of God on an ongoing basis. I do believe that it is possible to have some sort of relationship with God even when that is primarily through our intellect. But since we are holistic creatures I have found that emotional engagement is in many cases even more important. The problem is that in our culture we think we have no control over emotions and they are either there or they are not. But I have found that emotions follow actions quite regularly. For example, I find it very difficult to not feel that wonderful emotion called "love" when I am consistently trying to do things for my wife - things that express love in traditional terms, like hugging, kissing, cooking dinner, helping in the yard, taking her flowers, etc. I have found the same with God. When I reflect on the words of the songs of praise I sing, raise my hands in praise, tell others of the great things God has done for me, I find that my emotions begin to rise as well. I say all this because this week has to be the easiest time of the year to do those things and renew our experience of God. So this week, I encourage you to praise our wonderful risen Savior and tell others what He has done for you. The Lord is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Pastor Ken

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