Monday, March 15, 2010

Are we that frightening?

Once again a city in the US has decided that having Bible Studies in private homes is a violation of zoning laws. This time it is Gilbert, AZ. I say again because cities have been trying to do this for over 30 years now. I trust that Gilbert will be no more successful than other cities have been. But it makes me wonder - what are they so afraid of? Oh, I know, they try to couch it in terms of parking, but if they were going to be consistent, then they would have to prohibit parties and even family gatherings. I know that having the family over to my house means at least 16 or 17 people and four or five cars at least - more than a normal home Bible study. I can't help but think that this really relates to being "church unfriendly." Churches are the single most opposed development in LA county - more than bars and strip clubs! What is everyone afraid of? I don't know. But this is one area where we have to just keep doing it - home Bible studies. Or so it seems to me.

Pastor Ken

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