Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Week?

Wow, it has been a week since I posted. That is just plain embarrassing. So what have I been doing this past week? It was exactly a week ago that I received my dissertation back from my advisor with some requested changes. So, this past week I have been doing the changes while trying to juggle the rest of my responsibilities. But, as I sit here at 3:00 PM I can say that I have now finished all the changes, printed out two copies of my dissertation and taken them to Fuller Seminary for my advisor and my second reader to have - and hopefully pass. If so, then I have but one more reader to look at it, and I will be done! Hallelujah! In the meantime. life goes on. I guess the important thing is to not let the important things distract us from the everyday things - because we live our lives everyday. So, enjoy today, and everyday!

Pastor Ken

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