Monday, February 1, 2010


Now there is a word that few of us like. In the past couple of weeks I have begun to try to learn to speak Persian (Farsi). I say "begun" because I have found that it is easy to decide not to work on it right now. I have every intention and desire to learn to speak the language. I know that I will enjoy having done so. I even look forward to working on it - later. But right now? That requires discipline. And, of course, the root of discipline is the same as that of disciple. Am I saying that learning Persian is a discipleship matter? Well, actually, for me, it might be. But that is not the point. The deeper question is whether we must be disciplined in order to be saved. Like how I jumped from one subject to another? But often that is exactly what we do. So let me set the record straight. The most disciplined person in the world can still be lost. And the least can still be saved. But that isn't the question either, is it? The question is whether discipline is necessary to my salvation. And the answer to that is, do I really want Christ as Lord or not? The truth is that I began this long walk with the Lord 39 years ago. Whether I learn Persian or not is not going to determine my eternal location. On the other hand, if I begin to systematically disobey my Lord, then how can I claim Him as my Lord? And obedience requires discipline. So, not disciplining myself to learn Persian will mean I am lost? No! But that really isn't the point. I never should have jumped to that question in the first place. Salvation is a daily walk with the Lord. And that means being disciplined right now, as I contemplate what to do with my time. I do not want to see how little I can obey the Lord and still make it to heaven. I want to see how close to heaven I can live right now. And that just might require some discipline. It isn't a one to one relationship - I am not saying that learning Persian is heaven! Of course, I am not saying it isn't. What I am saying is that I want to live every moment for the Lord and in His presence. For now, that means being disciplined enough to work on my Persian. Strange? Probably, but welcome to the Christian life!

Pastor Ken

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