Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Today or Tomorrow?

Christianity has been accused from time to time of being a “pie in the sky in the sweet bye and bye” religion. Or as others have put it, “so heavenly minded that it is no earthly good.” The focus on heaven and eternity is understandable from one perspective. After all, if we are really eternal creatures, then this life is but a blip on the radar screen. In fact, one could argue that the only important purpose in this life would be to secure the best position for eternity, and nothing else would matter. And yet….

And yet, this life is the only one we actually know about by experience. Yes, I know that there is a place for faith. But this is still the only life we know anything about in our personal experience. And that makes it a valid question to ask if preparing for the next life means we give up something in this life.

Of course, the answer to that question is:”Yes!” But that doesn’t really tell us anything, does it? I mean, every decision we make to do something entails not doing something else. The real question is, will we be less happy or fulfilled in this life if we focus on the life to come. And I am confident in answering that question, “No!”

This blog is not the place to go into detail on what we gain and what we lose to live for God and the life to come. That is a subject for a life of study. But I can say that, after having been a Christian for 37 years, I am confident that my life has been happier than I ever expected, and that the main reason is that I have chosen to do what God has said in the Bible. I have no hesitation in recommending the lifestyle outlined in the Bible to any and everyone. It leads to a life that not only avoids many of the major pitfalls of life, but has a positive effect for happiness. And if you aren’t sure that is true, well then call me at my office any time and I would love to talk to you about it.

But there is one more thing. In addition to real joy and happiness in this life, I also have the assurance that my life has eternal consequences. Oh yeah, and I get to be with God forever, too. Not a bad deal!

Pastor Ken

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