Thursday, May 8, 2008

Going Green

This coming Tuesday Advanced Solar Electric will begin the installation of West Valley Christian Center’s new solar generating system. When complete, it will consist of around 150 solar panels generating just over 36 Kilowatts of electricity a day. This should be sufficient to provide about 80% of our electrical needs, thus reducing our carbon footprint by a like amount. And, since that electricity will be generated during the highest usage portion of the day, actually producing a surplus during that time, it will help to put off or even make unnecessary additional generating capacity using methods which pollute.

Why are we doing this? There are actually a couple of reasons, but the most important is that it allows our church to do something tangible to be good stewards of this planet our God has given us. We take seriously our responsibility before God and our fellow humans to begin reversing the damage we have done to our home.

In the coming months and years we intend on exploring other ways to lessen our negative impact on this world. I remember as a Boy Scout the admonition we always received when we were preparing to leave our campsites: leave it in better condition than you found it when you came. We want to do the same for this planet.

Pastor Ken

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