Tuesday, July 13, 2010

To not decide is to decide

This morning I read an opinion piece by Joseph Bottum in First Things, the journal put out by Evangelicals and Catholics Together. That, by the way, is a journal I would definitely recommend for any thinking person. You don't have to agree with everything to benefit from the thinking you will do when you read it. In the piece he made the statement that to decide to be neutral - to not make a decision - on abortion, is to make a decision. As long as the US allows children to be killed in their mothers' wombs, they will be killed. To want it all to just go away, and for us to stop talking about it is to decide that you want the killing to continue. In this way it is much like slavery before the civil war - there were many who wanted first the Whigs, and then the Republicans to just stop talking about it. But, of course, that would have meant that people would have been continued to be enslaved. It might be that we will have to do more than just talk about it, but not even talking about it is to decide that the killing will continue.

Pastor Ken

1 comment:

Haelie said...

I like your blog. Very good thoughts. I have a blog by the same name as this post with much the same idea behind it. More specifically, to not decide about whether you are going to follow Jesus is to decide that you are not going to.