Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Business as usual

I just finished talking to a businessman who is having fits with a client who claims to be a Christian, but refuses to honor signed contracts and, as he put it, looks at contracts, once signed, as "the beginning of negotiations." The excuse? They are of a different culture. Now I know that cultures differ - and in fact, I celebrate many of those cultural differences. And, I am very aware not only that there are problems inherent in our own culture, but that I may not even be aware of some of the worst, since I have been raised in this culture. But that is why we need an outside standard against which to compare and correct all cultures. I continue to maintain that there is an absolute standard of right and wrong and that the best expression of that standard is to be found in the Bible. It is the Bible that teaches us to let our yes be yes and our no be no - in other words to mean what we say and honor what we say. I fully expect all of us to be judged by the content of God's revelation, regardless of our cultural background. My prayer is primarily that God will show me those things that I do and say that conflict with that revelation and to help me to not make excuses because of my culture or upbringing.

Pastor Ken

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I totally agree...