Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Global Warming?

Our church has just gone on line with our new Solar Electric Generating system, and the reactions have been interesting. I hate to admit it, but I have had a couple of Pastors who have made comments about the “conspiracy” to convince us of supposed “non-existent” global warming, and asking if that was why we were doing this. So let me address this whole question of global warming.
First, let me say that I completely understand those who have doubts about the subject. I am old enough to remember when we were being told in the 1970s that we were in the middle of a “global cooling” that threatened to bring on another Ice Age. And, the question of global warming has been used as a political tool by both parties in our country, as well as being a sort of “orthodoxy” that many feel they can disagree with only at their peril. None of this affects whether or not global warming is a reality, but it certainly makes it hard for those not in the scientific community to know. So what are we to do? Is there a “Christian” response to all of this? I believe there is.
I believe that our response to this possible crisis can be informed by two scriptural principles. The first is that, in Genesis chapters 1-3 we are told that God has made humanity “stewards” of this creation. And, as the Bible says, Stewards are to be “found faithful” above all else (1 Corinthians 4:2). In other words, when someone is entrusted with something that belongs to someone else, they have a responsibility to do their very best to make sure that it stays in good shape. And, whether you believe in global warming or not, no one can deny that we have done a pretty poor job of keeping our environment clean. This world is not ours! It is God’s. And we are responsible to Him for how we use and treat it. So, the first reason I am so firmly committed to taking good care of this creation is because I am a steward appointed by God to do so, at least the part I have any control over.
The second principle comes from the teaching of Jesus that it is not even what we do that determines our responsibility, but our state of mind. You may remember that Jesus said that even looking at someone with lust is the first step to adultery and just hating someone is the first step to murder. How does this apply to the question of global warming? Just this: if I believe that global warming might be happening, then if I don’t do what I can to stop it, I am guilty of intentionally causing it. It is what happens in my mind that determines my responsibility.
Taken together, I must do what I can to make a difference. So, have we installed our PV panels because we have fallen prey to the global warming conspiracy? I guess in a sense we have. My position as a steward of God’s creation along with my responsibility for my intentions means that I have no other choice. Besides, they look cool!
Pastor Ken

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, the jury is still out on whether "Global Warming" is caused by humans or just a part of the natural cycle of things. I find it interesting how it has become so accepted that climate change is due to SUV's, much like Darwinian evolution is the accepted explanation for mankind's origins. The mainsteam media seldom reports any scientists with descending opinions and when they do, they're portrayed as narrow-minded flat-earthers. In any case, it does make sense to do what we can to be better stewards of what God has entrusted us with. I know we would all benefit from a cleaner environment.