Monday, January 7, 2008

From the desk of PK

So, I don't know how many have seen Will Smith's "I Am Legend." It is first of all a good movie and Will Smith does a great job in a very tough role - he carries the entire movie almost by himself. But did you notice just how Christian the concepts are? One person who has to give up everything, even his family, to do what only he and no one else could do to try to save humanity. In the end he has to give his life so that the salvation that can only come from his blood can save humanity. Wow! What I am wondering is - is it because this is such a universal theme that it works so well? Could it be that God has built into the fabric of our shared humanity the recognition that what ails us cannot be be cured by ourselves? And that the price to be paid might include the very life of someone who is himself no stranger to sacrifice? Just the random thoughts of someone who can't seem to turn off his brain. God bless!

~Pastor Ken

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I Am Legend" is also very God affirming, in that throughout the movie there seems to be a hand of providence guiding key characters and that nothing is simply left to chance. Kudos to this movie. :)