Thursday, January 3, 2008

This is a test, this is only a test...

Hi, and welcome to WVCC's new blog. You'll be seeing a variety of things come across these pages contributed by a variety of people, but you be sure that it'll always be different! So let me introduce myself and little bit about what this blog is for.

My name is Brienne - I work part time as an administrative assistant to the Pastoral Staff here at WVCC (West Valley Christian Center) - the church with the Three Crosses (we're on the corner of Topanga and Nordhoff... where you see *ahem* three big crosses...). I handle a lot of the media outlets for the church (like our live weekly newscast and the video output for our services, as well as various layout/design stuff). In the "regular" world, I'm also a photographer -- I'm sort of a visual type person (can you tell?).

This blog is a relatively new concept for our church and we're very excited to get it off the ground. This is a place where, hopefully, you'll get to learn a little more about us - the people at WVCC, what's happening, how we think, and why any of this stuff even matters. Some of our contributors to this blog are our Pastoral Staff members (who will be introduced a little later) and some blog posts will be contributed by our members. We love to hear YOUR thoughts, so please PLEASE feel free to comment here, or email us at . You can also call our offices at 818-882-8177.

Thanks for stopping by - don't forget to check back regularly.

1 comment:

Pastor Ken said...

So, I don't know how many have seen Will Smith's "I Am Legend." It is first of all a good movie and Will Smith does a great job in a very tough role - he carries the entire movie almost by himself. But did you notice just how Christian the concepts are? One person who has to give up everything, even his family, to do what only he and no one else could do to try to save humanity. In the end he has to give his life so that the salvation that can only come from his blood can save humanity. Wow! What I am wondering is - is it because this is such a universal theme that it works so well? Could it be that God has built into the fabric of our shared humanity the recognition that what ails us cannot be be cured by ourselves? And that the price to be paid might include the very life of someone who is himself no stranger to sacrifice? Just the random thoughts of someone who can't seem to turn off his brain. God bless!