Thursday, December 22, 2011

"If you only knew..."

This post represents a new commitment to posting at least once a week. Mostly, I will be posting observations from some of my teaching. Today I had one of those moments that frightens and makes Pastors mad. I had a student at the University where I teach submit not one, but two papers which were plagiarized word for word. When I called him on it and reminded him that doing so was grounds for expulsion from the University, he told me about how hard his life had been lately and asking for another chance. Now, I am going to give him another chance, but the idea that having a hard time somehow justifies us cheating and stealing, for that is what plagiarism is, just floors me! The truth is that we can all do what is right when there is no cost or bother to doing so. But our character is shown when we do what is right when it isn't easy. We're all sinners? Of course! But Christians are sinners saved by grace who are called to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to grow the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. So many times I have told my congregation that it isn't obedience when you want to do it - only when you don't want to. Of course times can be tough. But if we are not going to let the power of God change our lives, what is the point?

Pastor Ken

Monday, June 6, 2011

A long time

Well, it has been a long time since I posted anything to this blog. But, in the immortal words from Independence Day "I'm baack!" I was thinking about a set of articles in Christianity Today on the historicity of Adam and Eve and the implications for Christianity of recent genetic evidence that suggests that there cannot have been just a single set of parents for the human race. Now, I must confess, I don't understand all the genetics involved. But, as Francis Collins is one of those involved, I have no reason to doubt that this reflects the most recent scholarship on the subject. I am not prepared to comment on whether I believe it all to be true, though I remember just how many times the "assured findings" of science have turned out to be false. At this point, my only request is that we hold this conversation about the implications, biblically and otherwise, in a civil manner and not question the salvation of those with whom we might disagree. Regardless of what happens, I know that the very human condition we all share of being sinners with no means of saving ourselves, is still curable by the applied blood of Jesus Christ! I am content to follow the discussion, even enter in once in a while, and continue to trust Jesus until that day in glory when we will all be able to laugh at some of the things we thought were so important!

Pastor Ken

PS - Go to Christianity Today for a more complete coverage of the actual discussion.