Thursday, April 24, 2008

Can't we all just get along?

So this past week a new movie was released – Expelled, a documentary by Ben Stein. And the response has been interesting to watch, and instructive as well.

The heart of Mr. Stein’s documentary is the recent tendency in some circles to discriminate against people in the scientific community who entertain the idea of Intelligent Design (ID). Intelligent Design is the suggestion that there are things in this universe that point to an intelligent designer rather than blind Darwinian evolution. In the movie, Mr. Stein points to several scientists who have either lost their jobs or their funding immediately after suggesting that more research into the possibility of ID having occurred.

I do not necessarily agree with the tack that the movie takes in making its case – the juxtapositions between people who disagree with ID and pictures of Hitler or Stalin remind me more of Michael Moore than Ken Burns. But, when the movie is done, Mr. Stein has done a pretty good job of showing that there does seem to be an attempt to silence those who are even willing to entertain the possibility of ID, at least in some circles.

But perhaps the most interesting response to this movie was the review posted on (read it at In spite of the fact that the movie deals with ID and not creationism, the very first paragraph sets the movie up as defending creationism! And, in a display of the very intolerance decried by liberals today, the reviewer proceeds to call both the movie and Mr. Stein, “stupid,” a word sure to inspire intelligent discussion of the topic!

I, for one, would like to suggest that we would all be better served by a discussion of the facts rather than calling each other names. And that goes for both sides – I have been even more appalled by the name calling that has come from some in the church; after all, we should know better. There is a discussion to be had here, and in many other areas of what some have called the “culture wars.” Wouldn’t it be nice if we could actually discuss it as rational adults? Or, as has been said by many others, can’t we “disagree without being disagreeable?” Just a thought.